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What causes negative pressure?

Depending on the bulk modulus of the material being stretched and the strength of the interaction with the walls of the chamber holding the material, you may be able to get to several negative atmospheres of pressure. Dark energy also creates negative pressure in otherwise empty space.

How does pressure affect the interior of the Sun?

As a counter force, the expanding hot gases create a large amount of pressure pushing outward toward the Sun’s surface. The push and pull between gravity and pressure create conditions that maintain the three interior regions of the Sun: the core, the radiative zone, and the convective zone.

Does dark energy counteract gravity?

Dark energy may be described as a fluid with negative pressure. We say that this negative pressure counteracts gravity and accelerates the expansion of the Universe. Now consider, for example, a star. Gravity contracts the star, but positive (thermal) pressure counteracts the collapse.

What happens if more solar energy comes in?

If more solar energy comes in, then Earth warms and will emit more heat to space to restore the balance.* Not all of the Sun’s energy that enters Earth’s atmo-sphere makes it to the surface. The atmosphere reflects some of the incoming solar energy back to space immediately and absorbs still more energy before it can reach the surface.

What is negative pressure in a solid?

The example you gave, negative "pressure" in a solid is such an example: Engineers quantify the maximum of it that a material can take as ultimate tensile strength. However, pressure does not really describe the situation for solids very well, because forces acting at a surface need not necessarily be normal to that surface.

Can a tension be negative?

A tension can't be negative, it can be less then 1 but it can't be less than zero. Try to take the air out of a bottle. Let be the normal air pressure 1unit, you never will be able to reach less then zero. A negative pressure makes no sense

Science | Inquiring Minds | Questions About Physics

Physically, what happens when you reach a region of negative pressure in, for example, the P-V equation of state is that the system undergoes a phase transition. The …

What is Negative Air Pressure: A Complete Guide

What is Negative Air Pressure? Negative air pressure is a safe containment solution in which more air is taken in than being exhausted. The negative air pressure of the …


Depending on the bulk modulus of the material being stretched and the strength of the interaction with the walls of the chamber holding the material, you may be able to get to several negative …

Negative pressure, tension, and energy conditions

You could probably get a negative pressure in polymer physics, so you could view a big block of rubber as behaving this way. Basically: negative pressures happen when …

GCSE Questions: Energy Sources

The solar cells on the roof generate electricity for the household. When the electricity generated by the solar cells is not needed, the energy is stored in a large battery. (a) The solar cells on …

Inside the Sun

As a counter force, the expanding hot gases create a large amount of pressure pushing outward toward the Sun''s surface. The push and pull between gravity and pressure create conditions that maintain the three interior regions of the …

Climate and Earth''s Energy Budget

On average, 340 watts per square meter of solar energy arrives at the top of the atmosphere. Earth returns an equal amount of energy back to space by reflecting some incoming light and by radiating heat (thermal infrared …

Chapter 3: Thermodynamics – Atmospheric Processes and …

Internal energy is the total amount of energy stored in any object and determines how much work the object is capable of performing. This includes both kinetic energy (energy that an object …

The Importance of Understanding Clouds

solar energy the cloud reflects back to space. Because of clouds'' competing radiative effects (reflecting solar radiation cools the planet, while trapping outgoing heat energy

The Global Climate System | Learn Science at Scitable

Motion (winds and currents) happen because solar heating, and heat loss to space, create pressure gradients. Wind and water move from high to low pressure conditions. Up in the Air


Depending on the bulk modulus of the material being stretched and the strength of the interaction with the walls of the chamber holding the material, you may be able to get to several negative atmospheres of pressure. Dark energy also …

The Physics of Negative Pressure

Solids have negative pressure when they pull in, like stretched rubber bands or springs. Liquids can have negative pressure in metastable states, when they resist turning to …

''Negative pressure'' counteracting gravity?

Dark energy may be described as a fluid with negative pressure. We say that this negative pressure counteracts gravity and accelerates the expansion of the Universe. Now consider, for …

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

While many nations are starting to recognise the vast potential of solar energy – a powerful and extremely beneficial renewable source – there are still some downsides to it. We explore the main advantages and …


Why would the pressure drop from maximum to zero at about 60°? Would a square shape have anything to do with it at all? Beyond 60° the expression goes negative; are we supposed to clip it at zero, rather than there …

What is behind soaring energy prices and what …

In China, rigid electricity tariffs have not followed the large increase in coal prices. As a result, coal power producers have insufficient coal on hand and rolling blackouts have occurred across two-thirds of Chinese …

Inside the Sun

As a counter force, the expanding hot gases create a large amount of pressure pushing outward toward the Sun''s surface. The push and pull between gravity and pressure create conditions …

What happens if the solar panels get wet or submerged?

Solar energy has gained significant traction over the years as a sustainable and renewable source of power. One common question that arises is: what happens if solar panels get wet or …


Why would the pressure drop from maximum to zero at about 60°? Would a square shape have anything to do with it at all? Beyond 60° the expression goes negative; are …

Does Solar Have a Dark Side? Solar impacts on rural landscapes …

The modern solar panel sprawl isn''t unique to Virginia. The solar industry is growing at a record pace. In just the past decade, solar energy has experienced an average …

The Impact of Temperature on Solar Panel Performance: What …

The efficiency of a solar panel is typically expressed as a percentage and represents the ratio of the electrical energy output of the panel to the amount of solar energy …

Is Neg air pressure really that bad?

Purely because the electrons in the air have more energy so they absorb less. Negative air pressure (exhaust your hot air faster than your putting cool air in) keeps the …

Chapter 3: Thermodynamics – Atmospheric Processes and …

Typically this is defined at a constant pressure (C p) or a constant volume (C v). Some substances, such as water, require a particularly large amount of heat energy in order for the …