Use the following fixes if your Windows laptop battery is not charging after a Windows Update. Below, we have explained all these fixes in detail. See if the Roll Back option is available for your battery driver in the Device Manager. If yes, roll back the battery driver and see if it helps. The following instructions will guide you on this:
Many batteries that need firmware updates cannot be updated because they are out of charge, and cannot be charged because they are not updated. The solution to this is to plug the AC adapter in to the battery WHILE it is also plugged into the cortex, which should be plugged into a computer with the V5 Coding Studio installed.
Recalibration of a battery can also help fix battery issues on a Windows computer. We suggest you recalibrate your battery and see if it works. You can perform a battery test. However, the chances of a malfunctioned battery are less because the battery has stopped charging after a Windows Update.
I have a laptop that does not contain a battery, it is always in a docking station which is connected to mains power. I've seen the battery charge level issue crop up a few times with drivers/firmware/Windows version updates. In this particular instance, it is an HP firmware update. Thank you or that information.
It's normal for your battery to have a reduced charge after a software update, although this hasn’t been as noticeable in the past due to the reduced extent of new programs being installed. Apps and features may need to adjust up to 48 hours after an update, according to Apple Support.
If the battery is older than 2 yrs old, it might just be battery failure that coincides with the update. BTW, when doing updates make sure the laptop is connected with the adapter. Never do updates with only battery power.