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How flexible is the Danish power system?

Flexibility of the Danish power system The dispatch of the Danish system during a week with varying wind power generation in Sep-tember 2015 is shown in figure 1.4. As a weekly average, wind and PV covered 49% and 2%, respectively of the Danish demand.

How much CO2 does a large power plant emit in Denmark?

Therefore reduced flexibility of Danish large power plants tends to increase the regional CO2 emission with an amount up to about 1 million ton. This is corresponding to about 10% of the total CO2 emission from the Danish power and heat system.

How have Danish thermal power plants changed over the last decade?

The development of the capacity of Danish thermal power plants and interconnectors have changed much in the last decade as the share of VRE has risen sub-stantially.

What is a case scenario in a Danish power system?

RATIONALE AND OVERVIEW OF SCENARIOS The base case scenario (scenario 1) being the present Danish power system is characterised by having very flexible thermal power plants and a high degree of flex-ibility in balancing the system via large interconnector capacity to neighbouring countries (bidding zones).

Which storage projects will be developed in Denmark?

The included storage projects in this scenario is based on the maturity of current storage projects in Denmark. Based on official data and developer communications. It is believed that Bifrost, Greensand, Gassum and Havnsø will be developed regardless of the development of a larger CCS-industry in Denmark.

How much electricity does Denmark use a year?

The Danish consumption peak load is about 6.5 GW, minimum load is about 2.5 GW and the total yearly electricity consumption is about 33.5 TWh. Denmark is today very well connected to neighbouring countries with a total capacity of about 6,000 MW in-terconnections to Norway, Sweden and Germany (see figure 1.1 to the right).


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The energy system analysis of the EnergyPLAN model includes hour by hour simulations of the future Danish energy supply leading to the design of flexible energy systems …

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The energy system analysis of the EnergyPLAN model includes hour by hour simulations of the future Danish energy supply leading to the design of flexible energy systems …

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In the Long Term the Danish TSO sees CAES situated in Denmark as viable electricity storage technologies in Denmark. It is to be expected that when implementing a sustainable energy …

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The report briefly describes analyses of the future need for energy storage in a Danish perspective and assesses which sectors of the energy system, where energy storage can be …