To prevent lead acid battery explosions, it is important to handle them with care and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Always wear personal protective equipment when working with batteries, including safety goggles, rubber gloves, boots, and a long sleeve shirt. Avoid overcharging the battery and keep it in a well-ventilated area.
Charging a lead-acid battery can cause an explosion if the battery is overcharged. Overcharging causes the battery to heat up, which can lead to the buildup of hydrogen gas. If the gas buildup exceeds the battery’s capacity to contain it, the battery can explode. Are there risks associated with an exploded lead acid battery?
Do not dispose of lead acid batteries except through channels in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. This manual contains important instructions for Flooded Lead-Acid Battery Systems that should be followed during the installation and maintenance of the battery system.
Lead acid batteries are made up of lead plates, lead peroxide, and sponge lead, all of which are immersed in sulfuric acid electrolyte. When the battery is charged, the chemical energy is converted into electrical energy, which is stored in the battery. When the battery is discharged, the electrical energy is converted back into chemical energy.
Steve Higgins, Technical Services Manager at Rolls Battery highlights some of the frequently asked questions when it comes to proper maintenance and service of lead acid batteries. When do I perform an EQ Charge? If you are properly charging a lead acid battery bank to full on a regular basis, you should never have to EQ a battery bank.
It is common knowledge that lead-acid batteries release hydrogen gas that can be potentially explosive. The battery rooms must be adequately ventilated to prohibit the build-up of hydrogen gas. During normal operations, off gassing of the batteries is relatively small.