The Batteryguard lithium-ion fire resistant battery cabinet offers the solution against battery fires thanks to a solid fire-resistant construction. An EN 15659 LFS60P-certified cabinet with fire-resistant properties is used as the basis. In these cabinets you can safely store and simultaneously charge (bicycle) batteries.
Because the charger cables are fixed in the cabinet, you can be sure that you are always using an original charger for the battery. It is important that you always close the cabinet doors, because if a battery catches fire, that fire is kept inside.
Beyond containment, NEMA states that fire protection for the li ion battery risk requires a significant investment in technology—i.e., gas detection equipment, fire detection devices, and advanced fire suppression systems. No battery storage or usage is entirely devoid of risk.
Bart van de Broek from Nationale-Nederlanden explains what you can do yourself to prevent battery fires. The most important measure is to charge the batteries in a special lithium safe. Batteryguard is such a lithium-safe that contains a battery fire inside the safe and prevents the fire from spreading to your business premises.
If a fire breaks out in a building where lithium batteries are stored in a DENIOS safety cabinet, the fire brigade will have at least 90 minutes to evacuate people in case of fire and an escalation of the fire due to ignition or explosion of lithium batteries in the enclosed cabinet can be avoided.
Organisation and tidiness: a battery charging cabinet enables batteries to be stored centrally and neatly. Efficient charging: The charging cabinet usually offers individual slots or compartments for each battery. This allows batteries to be charged simultaneously and efficiently.
Hate to bust your bubble, that bag is not fire proof, and if it was, what you would get if that battery started to flare is an explosion, your best bet for containment is a steel box, or a wooden box lined with tiles, if it has a lid, do not close it, let it …