Examples of the different storage requirements for grid services include: Ancillary Services – including load following, operational reserve, frequency regulation, and 15 minutes fast response. Relieving congestion and constraints: short-duration (power application, stability) and long-duration (energy application, relieve thermal loading).
Coordinated, consistent, interconnection standards, communication standards, and implementation guidelines are required for energy storage devices (ES), power electronics connected distributed energy resources (DER), hybrid generation-storage systems (ES-DER), and plug-in electric vehicles (PEV).
Abstract: High penetration of renewable energy resources in the power system results in various new challenges for power system operators. One of the promising solutions to sustain the quality and reliability of the power system is the integration of energy storage systems (ESSs).
Abdelghany et al. proposed a control strategy for charging and discharging energy storage systems based on wind and solar microgrids. The application of this control strategy reduces the cost of energy storage equipment, prolongs battery life, and reduces the cost of system operation and maintenance.
Tech-economic performance of fixed and mobile energy storage system is compared. The proposed method can improve system economics and renewable shares. With the large-scale integration of renewable energy and changes in load characteristics, the power system is facing challenges of volatility and instability.
Especially, a detailed review of battery ESSs (BESSs) is provided as they are attracting much attention owing, in part, to the ongoing electrification of transportation. Then, the services that grid-connected ESSs provide to the grid are discussed. Grid connection of the BESSs requires power electronic converters.