Solar thermal systems have become part of modern heating technology and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. This protects the environment and lowers energy cost. This technical guide is designed to educate the homeowner, the installer, the engineer, and the architect on solar product offered by Bosch.
Domestic hot water (DHW) heating is the most obvious application for solar collector systems. A relatively constant demand for hot water all year round is a good match for solar energy. Almost 100% of the energy demand for DHW heating during the summer can be covered by a solar system (Figure 2).
Verify each case individually as to whether it is possible to upgrade an existing DHW system with a solar thermal system. The conventional heat source must be able to provide 100% of the hot water in a building independently of the solar system.
A DEV is sized on the basis of the following assumptions and formula: For that reason, sizing a solar heating system for heating swimming pool water can only ever be approximate. Basically, the sizing has to be oriented to the area of the pool. The water cannot be guaranteed to be at a certain temperature over several months.
It is the installer’s responsibility to comply with the building and installation codes in effect and all regulations that apply to the operation of a solar hot water system. Proper sizing of a solar thermal system for DHW heating is crucial for performance and comfort, fuel savings, and a long service life.
The water cannot be guaranteed to be at a certain temperature over several months. If the solar swimming pool water heating system is combined with DHW heating, we recommend the use of a dual-mode solar heating storage tank with a large solar indirect coil and limited storage tank heating up to 140 °F. 2 1XPEHU RI ).& VRODU FROOHFWRUV IRU VRODU