The first is solar concentration, which focuses solar energy to drive thermal turbines. The second method is heating and cooling systems used in solar water heating and air conditioning respectively. The process of converting solar energy into electricity so as to utilize its energy in day-to-day activities is given below −
Here are the steps to the construction and working of solar cells: Build solar silicon cells that are either p-type or n-type, that is they are positively or negatively charged. P-type silicon cells are the traditional structures of solar cells. A p-type silicon cell depends on a positively charged base.
The solar energy is the energy obtained by capturing heat and light from the Sun. The method of obtaining electricity from sunlight is referred to as the Photovoltaic method. This is achieved using a semiconductor material. The other form of obtaining solar energy is through thermal technologies, which give two forms of energy tapping methods.
As we dive into the detailed world of the construction and working of solar cell, we need to see the parts and functioning of the solar cell. Individual solar cells are the main parts of photovoltaic modules. They are also known as solar panels. Solar cells are photovoltaic but their energy source is sunlight or artificial light.
The process of converting solar energy into electricity so as to utilize its energy in day-to-day activities is given below − Absorption of energy carrying particles in Sun’s rays called photons. Photovoltaic conversion, inside the solar cells. Combination of current from several cells.
Active Solar − Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic systems, concentrated solar power and solar water heating to harness the energy. Active solar is directly consumed in activities such as drying clothes and warming of air.