These buffers are kept for protecting the battery pack from deep discharge as well as over charging condition. Imagine a near full battery pack and regenerative braking trying to pump in more charge in the battery pack and the pack is overcharged, thus damaging the cells.
Battery Buffers emit Amps equal to the number of Batteries they contain, and accept Amps equal to twice the number of Batteries they contain. Battery Buffers also have a small internal energy storage independent from their Batteries, to act as an intermediary between the Batteries and the rest of their connected energy networks.
In electronics it usually means a device inserted between a weak signal source and a device or devices which might overload the source. From what I've understood, buffer means a device or part of a big circuit that provides the output as present in the input. Yes, but it doesn't have to be complicated.
Battery buffered EV charging does not require disruptive and expensive grid reinforcement. There are also other benefits – it is possible to charge the batteries with renewable energy (for instance, solar or wind) to either provide primary power or augment an existing grid connection
In some cases, grid reinforcement will be required to enable installation rapid chargers and guarantee sufficient power is available. One solution to this significant issue is to deploy battery buffers. Battery buffered EV charging does not require disruptive and expensive grid reinforcement.
CBI with our project partners will develop and deploy a lead-battery-buffered BEV charging solution for one or more specific scenarios, for instance sites in remote or limited-grid-capability locations. Lead batteries offer some interesting technical advantages in applications where charger use can be infrequent.