Battery capacity calculator — other battery parameters FAQs If you want to convert between amp-hours and watt-hours or find the C-rate of a battery, give this battery capacity calculator a try. It is a handy tool that helps you understand how much energy is stored in the battery that your smartphone or a drone runs on.
So it requires conversion to power (Wh) based on battery voltage (V) and capacity (Ah). The conversion formula is Battery Power (kWh) = Battery Voltage (V) * Battery Capacity (Ah) / 1000 For example, the power of a 12V 280Ah battery pack is Power (kWh) = 12 (V) * 280 (Ah)/1000= 3.36kWh
The capacity of a battery is the amount of energy that it can store. A battery's capacity is expressed in amp hours (Ah), which is a measure of electrical current over time. One amp hour equals one amp of current flowing for one hour. The higher the Ah, the longer the battery will last.
Here are a few formulas to calculate the capacity and power of the battery pack: Capacity = capacity per battery x number of batteries connected in parallel x nominal voltage Peak power = peak current per battery x number of batteries connected in parallel x nominal voltage
The capacity of a battery or accumulator is the amount of energy stored according to specific temperature, charge and discharge current value and time of charge or discharge.
So, for a car you can estimate the capacity you need for your desired range by multiplying the amount of km you want, with a factor 0.2. That will give you a rough estimate of the minimum capacity of your battery pack. The amount of power you want for the EV determines the kind of batteries that you’ll need to use in the battery pack.