They also intend to effect the potential advancements in storage of energy by advancing energy sources. Renewable energy integration and decarbonization of world energy systems are made possible by the use of energy storage technologies.
Energy storage technologies can be classified according to storage duration, response time, and performance objective. However, the most commonly used ESSs are divided into mechanical, chemical, electrical, and thermochemical energy storage systems according to the form of energy stored in the reservoir (Fig. 3) [, , , ].
Energy storage systems help to bridge the gap between power generation and demand and are useful for systems with high variability or generation-demand mismatch.
To meet these gaps and maintain a balance between electricity production and demand, energy storage systems (ESSs) are considered to be the most practical and efficient solutions. ESSs are designed to convert and store electrical energy from various sales and recovery needs [, , ].
Throughout this concise review, we examine energy storage technologies role in driving innovation in mechanical, electrical, chemical, and thermal systems with a focus on their methods, objectives, novelties, and major findings. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, this report identifies gaps and proposes strategies to address them.
Many mature and emerging energy storage technologies utilize combinations of thermal, mechanical, and chemical energy to meet storage demands over a variety of conditions. These systems offer the potential for better scalability than electrochemical batteries.