As such, the cost of power is expected to be 8.73 cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh). Solar PV is estimated to cost 7.7c/kWh for generation alone in Tunisia. Elsewhere within the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region, the price of CSP has already seen dramatic reductions.
Vietnam also participated in the BESS consortium launch showing its commitment to clean energy transition. Battery Energy Storage Systems are a critical element to increasing the reliability of grids and accommodating the variable renewable energy sources that are needed to power economic development.
The Sahara has long been viewed as a potential battery for Europe, using CSP. In 2013, the €400bn Desertec project collapsed after the two advocates, Desertec Foundation and the Desertec Industrial Initiative, fell out, each accusing the other of poor communication. TuNur believes that now is the time for solar in the Sahara to finally take off.
If successful, the energy generated will be transported via underground cables to Italy, Malta and France, providing Europe with a new, carbon-free, alternative baseload power source. The market for battery energy storage is estimated to grow to $10.84bn in 2026.
Battery Energy Storage Systems are a critical element to increasing the reliability of grids and accommodating the variable renewable energy sources that are needed to power economic development. In many cases, a combination of BESS and renewables are already cheaper than fossil fuel alternatives.
“Today, thermal storage is cheaper and more efficient than battery storage.” The first stage of Sahara solar will see a 250MW CSP tower constructed, along with a dedicated transmission line through the Mediterranean Sea to Malta. This phase is estimated to cost €85m, and a further €1.6bn for the cable link.