(b) A new type of solar power station, called a solar storage power station, is able to store energy from the Sun by heating molten chemical salts. The stored energy can be used to generate electricity at night. (i) It is important that the molten chemical salts have a high specific heat capacity. Suggest one reason why.
nnected to a generator. The gener tor produces electricity. A __ _________________ is usedto change the voltage for trans on along power lines.(3)(b) A solar storage power station is a new ty e of solar power station. It is able to store energy from the Sun to gene
The fuel is burned to boil water to make steam Power stations generate significant heat losses to the environment. This is an energy transfer diagram for the generation of electricity from a fossil fuel such as coal. Learn how we generate electricity and the environmental impact of electricity generation.
Water is heated by the water absorbing the infrared radiation and turns to steam. Steam pressure is used to turn a turbine. The turbine turns an electric generator. (b) A new type of solar power station, called a solar storage power station, is able to store energy from the Sun by heating molten chemical salts.
(ii) The solar storage power station can store a maximum of 2 200 000 kWh of energy. The solar storage power station can supply a town with a maximum electrical power of 140 000 kW. Calculate for how many hours the energy stored by the solar storage power station can supply the town with electrical power. Give your answer to 2 significant figures.
Turbine - In a power station is a series of angled blades that turn electrical generators that produce electricity. Pollutants - Substances that harm living organisms when released into the environment. Non-renewable energy resource - Cannot be replaced in our lifetime once they are used up.