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How to Create a Magnet With a Wire and a Nail: 9 Steps

Wrap the screw with thin coated copper wire. Take your nail or screw and begin wrapping the copper wire around it, but make sure that you leave a tail of about three inches. …

Easy Electromagnetic Copper Battery Train STEM Activity for Kids

Another homopolar motor can be built with copper wire, a battery and strong magnets…sound familiar? The magnet''s magnetic field pushes up towards the battery and the …

Build an Exciting Homopolar Motor!

In our experiment, we are making an electromagnetic motor. When we connect the battery to the copper wire, we are pushing an electric current through the wire, which …

Electric motor

Build a simple homopolar motor from a battery, copper wire and neodymium magnets. This experiment demonstrates how the relationship between electricity and magnetism can give …

How to Make a Homopolar Motor | STEM Activity

Make a homopolar motor from a battery, magnet, and a piece of copper wire in this simple STEM activity.

Simple Magnetic Train | K&J Magnetics Blog

When the magnets touch the copper wire, an electrical connection is made. When both magnets touch the wire, a fairly short length of copper wire is conducting electricity from one end to the …

STEAM Project: Tiny Dancers (A Homopolar Motor)

Our copper wire is conducting electricity from one end of the battery to the other. As it moves through the magnets on the negative side of the battery, it creates a force which …

How to Make an Engine from a Battery, Wire and a Magnet

SKYPRO 3 Spool Coils Magnet Wire Enameled Copper Wire Enameled Magnet Winding …Wire Natural Temperature Rating Widely Used For Transformers Inductors

How to Build a Simple Electromagnetic Train

In this project, the neodymium magnets on the ends of the battery create a …


The trick in the video is that the magnets are made of a conducting material and they connect the battery terminals to the copper wire, …

How to Make an Engine from a Battery, Wire and a Magnet

To easily make a simple motor, stick the head of a drywall screw onto a nickel-plated neodymium magnet. Put the tip of the screw against the end of a large C-cell battery …


The trick in the video is that the magnets are made of a conducting material and they connect the battery terminals to the copper wire, so the battery, magnets and copper wire make a circuit that generates a magnet …

How to Do a simple experiment using copper wire and battery

In this video Mr.G puts a new spin on magnets and bare copper wire with just …

How to Build a Simple Electromagnetic Train

In this project, the neodymium magnets on the ends of the battery create a bar magnet with a north pole and a south pole. When you put the train inside the coils, it causes …

Homopolar Motor

That''s where the magnet comes in. The magnetic field has a positive end and a negative end. The magnetic field is pushing up towards the battery. The electric flow of current is pushing down towards the magnet. These opposing forces …

Build an Exciting Homopolar Motor!

A copper wire is placed around the battery and comes into contact with the positive end of the battery, and a neodymium magnet is placed on the negative end of the …

How to Do a simple experiment using copper wire and battery

In this video Mr.G puts a new spin on magnets and bare copper wire with just a simple battery. Motion via magic? Not quite, but pretty darn close! Join Mr. G, and build your …

3 Ways to Create an Electromagnet

An electromagnet is a classic science experiment often made in a classroom setting. The idea is to turn a common iron nail into a magnet with the help of copper wire and a …

3 Ways to Make a Homopolar Motor

You''ll need a neodymium magnet, a wood screw, a spool of thin-gauged (1.3 millimeter / 16 gauge) copper wire, wire cutters, needle-nose pliers, and a AA battery. Ensure you''re using wire which is uncoated, nonmagnetic, …


The trick in the video is that the magnets are made of a conducting material and they connect the battery terminals to the copper wire, so the battery, magnets and copper wire …

How Magnets and Copper Work Together & Why It Matters

Windmills, alternators, generators, motors all have to do with how magnets interact with copper. So understanding what magnets do to copper is important. It''s important in design (material …

How to make an electric motor with a battery magnet and copper wire

This electric motor making as two magnets, One is permanent magnet fixed on top of the battery. The second is the copper coil which becomes temporarily electromagnet …

Build an Electromagnet – The Wonders of Physics – UW–Madison

What you need: Battery Insulated copper wire with ends stripped Large iron nail Small paper clips or staples Try This: Wrap the copper wire around the nail and touch the ends of the wire to the …

How to make an electric motor with a battery magnet and copper wire

Each magnet has the South Pole and the North Pole. Here like poles repel and whereas the opposite pole attracts each other. Forces produced by magnetic field helps in …