In this work, we first introduce the concept of utility-scale portable energy storage systems (PESS) and discuss the economics of a practical design that consists of an electric truck, energy storage, and necessary energy conversion systems.
The Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) for El Salvador provides a key milestone that aims to promote new initiatives and instruments, particularly to improve the eficiency of public policies and regulations on energy.
El Salvador also has considerable experience in the installation of solar PV systems in the of grid sector. A register of solar PV systems carried out by CNE reports 3 182 solar PV systems of 75 W each installed in 167 rural communities, serving an estimated 3 000 families.
In 2019, total energy supply in El Salvador reached around 156 600 TJ (see Figure 5). That year, the renewable energy source with the largest share as part of the primary energy supply was bioenergy (19.6%), followed by hydropower (3.5%), geothermal energy (3.4%), and solar energy (1.1%) (CNE, 2020).
The institution currently has a total installed capacity of 204.4 MW and a net production equivalent to 21.8% of the electrical energy produced in El Salvador. CECSA, a CEL subsidiary, is a company dedicated to the generation of electrical energy through small hydropower plants.
El Salvador does not currently have targets for renewables in end-use sectors, either. Establishing targets for renewable energy in transport, heating and cooling, agriculture and industry could contribute to a further scale-up of renewables in the country, and help achieve emissions reduction targets while creating new business opportunities.