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How is Jamaica's energy future being secured?

Jamaica’s energy future is being secured through Goal 7: Jamaica’s industry structures embracing eco-efficiency for advancing international competitiveness, and moving towards building a green economy.

Why is energy diversification necessary in Jamaica?

To provide high-quality, affordable, environmentally-friendly energy and reduce the country’s dependence on high-cost imported oil, a comprehensive program of efficiency improvement and energy diversification is required for Jamaica.

What are the goals of Jamaica?

Goal 2: Jamaica's energy sector aims to have a modernized and expanded infrastructure that enhances energy generation capacity and ensures that energy supplies are safely, reliably, and affordably transported to homes, communities, and productive sectors on a sustainable basis.

What is the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica?

The Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, as stated in the Petroleum Act of 1979, works towards implementing Jamaica’s national energy policy while promoting sustainable development, not only in energy, but also in other areas of national importance, with the aim of fostering energy security.

What is the primary source of energy in Jamaica?

The primary source of energy in Jamaica is imported oil. The Jamaican economy is characterized by high energy intensity and low efficiency and is almost completely dependent on it. Petroleum consumption is concentrated in three areas, namely: bauxite/alumina, power generation and transport.

Why is electricity important in Jamaica?

Electricity is vital to the stability of Jamaican society and plays a critical role in the viability and modernization of the Jamaican economy. It is often considered as the main life blood for development and the improvement in the standard of living of the people in Jamaica.

Gov''t Updating Energy Sector Regulatory Framework

The Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology is updating the policy, legislative and regulatory framework related to the energy sector. Providing details in the …


Jamaica''s urban centres and corridors has declined over the years. Areas impacted by industrial plant emissions, vehicular emissions, open burning activities or a combination are particularly …

Energy Policies – Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications …

Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport; PCJ Building, 36 Trafalgar Road Kingston 10, Jamaica (876) 929-8990-9 (876) 960-1623


overview of the energy sector performance in Jamaica. The ERC also includes energy efficiency, technical assistance, workforce, training, and capacity building information, subject to the

House Approves Electricity (Net Billing) Regulations – Jamaica ...

The House of Representatives, on July 26, approved the Electricity (Net Billing) Regulations 2022, which are intended to provide opportunities for fuel diversification, …

State by State: A Roadmap Through the Current US …

Energy storage resources are becoming an increasingly important component of the energy mix as traditional fossil fuel baseload energy resources transition to renewable energy sources. There are currently 23 …

Energy Storage Policy and Regulation

Clean Energy Group provides support to and collaborates with state and federal agencies, policymakers, nonprofit advocates, utilities, regulatory agencies, energy industry …

Policy to Address Storage of Technology Being Developed

An energy policy, aimed at standardising the storage of technology, is now in the conception phase. The Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport is …

Dennis Minott | A cleaner energy future for Jamaica

As the global shift toward renewable energy accelerates, Jamaica faces a critical decision about its energy future. Kenton Palmer''s insightful article, supported by Allan …

Energy efficiency and regulation priorities for Jamaica

Energy conservation and efficiency and the development of a comprehensive governance and regulatory framework are among the key priorities for the future of Jamaica''s …

Energy Snapshot Jamaica

Clean Energy Policy Environment Jamaica published its National Energy Policy in 2009, its first comprehensive long-term energy plan. The policy set a number of targets in relation to …


JAMAICA''S ENERGY SECTOR FREQUENTL ... electricity grid management, including energy storage and also energy efficiency and conservation programmes. The following are frequently …

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy and Guidelines for …

The Vision of the National Energy Policy (NEP) is stated as: - "A modern, efficient, diversified and environmentally sustainable energy sector providing affordable and accessible energy …

Energy Policies – Ministry of Science, Energy, …

Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport; PCJ Building, 36 Trafalgar Road Kingston 10, Jamaica (876) 929-8990-9 (876) 960-1623


Jamaica''s urban centres and corridors has declined over the years. Areas impacted by industrial plant emissions, vehicular emissions, open burning activities or a combination are particularly …

Securing Jamaica''s Energy Future Page ii

The National Energy Policy 2009 – 2030 examines the energy situation we face and proposes a range of options and strategies which the Government is committed to pursue over the short, …

Review of Policy, Plans, Legislation & Regulations for Climate ...

Review of Policy, Plans, Legislation & Regulations for Climate Resilience in Jamaica Identifies to what extent the current policy framework addresses climate related …

Gov''t Updating Energy Sector Regulatory Framework

The Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology is updating the policy, legislative and regulatory framework related to the energy sector. Providing details in the House of Representatives on May 10, Portfolio …

Energy efficiency potential in Jamaica: challenges, opportunities …

policies via the National Energy Policy (2009 2030); the Addendum on Energy Conservation and Efficiency (2008-2022), now updated to the draft National Energy Conservation and Efficiency …

Electricity Storage Policy Framework

In line with our Climate Action Plan commitments, we are delighted to publish the Electricity Storage Policy Framework for Ireland. The policy framework is a first of kind policy, …

Jamaica Sustainable Energy Roadmap

Grid Improvement and Energy Storage ..... 62 4.1 Overview of Jamaica''s Existing Grid 62 ... 8.2.1 Mainstreaming Sustainable Energy Policy and Regulation 131 8.2.2 Reforming Electricity …

Ireland launches consultation on energy storage policy framework

In a bid to incentivise the creation of energy storage in Ireland, the government is developing a policy framework to help deliver their objectives in this area of its Climate …