Step 1: Hook up the battery to the charge controller. Connect the battery terminal wires to the charge controller FIRST, then connect the solar panel (s) to the charge controller. For detailed reasons, see Should We Connect Batteries First Instead of Solar Panels to Charge Controllers?
Note: When setting up your system, the solar panels should be out of the sun or covered for safety reasons. Step 1: Hook up the battery to the charge controller. Connect the battery terminal wires to the charge controller FIRST, then connect the solar panel (s) to the charge controller.
A standard solar panel charge controller wiring diagram includes the solar panels (PV Array), the charge controller, battery, and load. Each of these components is interconnected, with specific points of contact, as shown in the wiring diagram. Familiarize yourself with these diagrams and the specific make and model of your charge controller.
Here are some important points to keep in mind when wiring solar panels: Pick the Right Wire: When selecting solar wires, you’ll want to choose the right wire size to minimize power loss and keep your system safe. Use an online calculator to figure out the wire size based on your solar panel system’s current and voltage requirements.
It’s advised to wire the controller to the battery first before connecting it to a solar array. Controllers often have to perform an initialization when they get connected to a battery during which the regulator evaluates the battery's state. If you connect the solar panel to a charge controller first, it may not initialize correctly.
If you have several solar panels, like on the diagram, the positive cable of one panel usually goes to the negative terminal of the adjacent one. Then, the negative cable of the first panel and the positive cable of the last panel go into the charge controller.