In Electrical Engineering, a static VAR compensator (SVC) is a set of electrical devices for providing fast-acting reactive power on high-voltage electricity transmission networks. SVCs are part of the flexible AC transmission system device family, regulating voltage, power factor, harmonics and stabilizing the system.
However, static VAR compensators are more expensive than mechanically switched capacitors, so many system operators use a combination of the two technologies (sometimes in the same installation), using the static VAR compensator to provide support for fast changes and the mechanically switched capacitors to provide steady-state VARs.
Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is a shunt-connected voltage source converter-based VAR generator to control the VAR generation and absorption. Fig 1 shows the V-I characteristics of STATCOM and SVC. The STATCOM can be operated for a full output current range even for low system voltage conditions (for example, 0.2 per unit).
Typically, the rated DC voltage of the capacitor is around 60% of the nameplate rated voltage of the semiconductor device, but this mostly depends on the valve voltage coordination criteria adopted by the STATCOM manufacturers. The capacitor technology usually used for the STATCOM DC capacitor is metallized polypropylene lm.
Abstract: Series capacitive compensation method is very well known and it has been widely applied on transmission grids; the basic principle is capacitive compensation of portion of the inductive reactance of the electrical transmission, which will result in increased power transfer capability of the compensated transmissible line.
This aids in maintaining the voltage level in the system. The high inductive component of the starting current is reduced by the addition of capacitance during the starting period only. In this, it differs from applying capacitors for power factor correction.
In Electrical Engineering, a static VAR compensator (SVC) is a set of electrical devices for providing fast-acting reactive power on high-voltage electricity transmission networks. SVCs are part of the flexible AC transmission system device family, regulating voltage, power factor, harmonics and stabilizing the system. A static VAR compensator has no significant moving parts (other than internal switchgear). Prior to the invention of the SVC, power factor compensation was the pres…