Adding the battery in the PV system not only can transfer peak generation to meet peak consumption, but also can utilize TOU tariff to charge the battery at low tariff and discharge the battery at high tariff to realize price arbitrage, which provides a new idea for efficient utilization of the PV system.
The system with the battery regulates the mismatch between electricity load and PV generation by storing surplus PV power and discharging battery to meet the remaining electricity demand, which can achieve the goal of making full use of renewable energy and availably reducing PV rejection rate , , .
Lead ac id battery with deep discharge is commonly used for PV ap plications. Gel type maintenance free operation is required. hydride batteries are used. The life time of the batteries varies from 3 to 5 years. The life time depends on parameters. 1. Low cost ...
Batteries can be used to store some of the electricity which would otherwise be exported to the grid for use later in the evening when demand is higher and solar generation low. Battery storage can significantly increase the self-consumption of solar PV by households.
The battery of the second system cannot only store electricity from the PV system, but also store electricity from the grid at low valley tariffs, and the stored electricity can be supplied to the buildings or sold to the grid to realize price arbitrage.
Photovoltaic (PV) has been extensively applied in buildings, adding a battery to building attached photovoltaic (BAPV) system can compensate for the fluctuating and unpredictable features of PV power generation. It is a potential solution to align power generation with the building demand and achieve greater use of PV power.