1. Introduction This publication is the 2nd Energy Accounts ever produced, following the compilation of the first Experimental Energy Account for Samoa using the 2016 Samoa Energy Review by the Ministry of Finance. The Energy Accounts 2020 presents estimates on physical supply and use of energy (in joules1) for Samoa.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE). The ministry provided the information the status of the Biogas Systems in Samoa. Five of the systems have a Daily Gas Production capacity of 5 cubic meters and one with 3 cubic meters. The largest one with 300 cubic meters at Piu is reportedly inactive.
The Energy Accounts 2020 presents estimates on physical supply and use of energy (in joules1) for Samoa. Figure 1 highlights the Physical Energy Flows for Samoa, 2020. The accounts are compiled and developed by closely following the United Nations System of Environmental Economic Accounting (UN SEEA 2012) Central Framework and SEEA Energy 2019.
One of Samoa’s main goals for the energy sector is to achieve 70.0 % renewable energy use by the end of 2031, as stipulated in the Pathway for the Development of Samoa (PDS 2021/22- 2025/26). The Energy Account also provides statistics to assess and monitor the progress of that goal.
Hence, Overall Total Electricity Production is estimated at 609.2 TJ (Refer PSUT). Conversion: 1 kWh = 3.6 Megajoules; then divide by 1000,000 to convert into Terajoules; or simply divide the kWh by 277,778 to get Terajoules. Note: Electricity Industry own uses and losses. Source: Samoa Trust Estate Corporation.
The ministry also compiled a Fuel Summary Report for the financial years 2017-18 to 2019-20 for all government ministries. Samoa Shipping Corporation (SSC). Fuel used by shipping services for sea transport was provided by the corporation as well as fuel used for their vehicle fleet operation (Appendix A9).