The huge power requirements of future railways require the usage of energy-efficient strategies towards amore intelligent railway system. The usage of on-board energy storage systems enables better usage of the traction energy with a higher degree of freedom.
As a result, a high tendency for integrating onboard energy storage systems in trains is being observed worldwide. This article provides a detailed review of onboard railway systems with energy storage devices. In-service trains as well as relevant prototypes are presented, and their characteristics are analyzed.
The PV system provided power to the railway system from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. The railway PV systems were able to cover BS-HSR's electricity demand before 6 p.m. The local railway PV generation satisfied 93.4% of the electricity demand in Jiangsu without the assistance of energy storage devices.
Same as the situation in Jiangsu, the railway PV system in Shandong can supply electricity to bullet trains during the daytime; after 6 p.m., the railway system needs to import electricity either from storage systems or the utility power grid. Fig. 8.
The peak hourly consumption was approximately 60 MWh and 55 MWh, respectively. For railway PV systems, the total generation on the day was 12,051 MWh, which is approximately 24 times higher than the consumption. The PV system provided power to the railway system from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Policies and ethics The huge power requirements of future railway transportation systems require the usage of energy efficient strategies towards a more intelligent railway system. With the usage of on-board energy storage systems, it is possible to increase the energy efficiency of...