The battery research group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison offers a battery testing dataset covering four typical driving cycles: US06, HWFET, UDDS and LA92. The dataset, published on the Mendeley data website [101, URL] (under ‘CC BY 4.0’), contains data from a single 2.9 Ah NCA Panasonic 18650PF cell.
Battery Archive website [74 , URL ] –see Section 3.1 below. The data is by the ‘SNL’ keyword. The experimental description is available on the Battery Archive page and in the relevant publication . The cells were apart from the 3C discharge for the NCA cells. All cells were charged with a xed rate of 0.5C.
At the core of transformational developments in battery design, modelling and management is data. In this work, the datasets associated with lithium batteries in the public domain are summarised. We review the data by mode of experimental testing, giving particular attention to test variables and data provided.
Few battery data sets are public and even fewer are in a common format, making it difficult to compare data across studies. This article describes the features of Battery Archive, the first public repository for visualization, analysis, and comparison of battery data across institutions.
By subscribing to the Battery Archive Newsletter, you will be informed when new data and software becomes available. Query and filter for specific experimental conditions. Display battery data, including voltage curves and capacity fade. Apply performance and degradation models to battery data.
A previous paper has conducted a detailed study on some data of new energy batteries, and introduced the cyclic neural network (RNN) to visualize and warn on battery data management; Ref. proposed a method to analyze battery fault diagnosis of electric vehicles based on short-term and long-term memory networks.