The letters and numbers in the code indicate the number of cells, cell chemistry, shape, dimensions, the number of parallel paths in the assembled battery and any modifying letters deemed necessary. A multi-section battery (two or more voltages from the same package) will have a multi-section designation. IEC 60086 battery type designation system.
Standard battery nomenclature describes portable dry cell batteries that have physical dimensions and electrical characteristics interchangeable between manufacturers. The long history of disposable dry cells means that many manufacturer-specific and national standards were used to designate sizes, long before international standards were reached.
Abbreviations and Jargon in the battery world. 4R’s – this is battery pack Repair, Remanufacture, Repurpose and finally Recycle. AASB – All Solid State Battery AC – Alternating Current ACIR – Alternating Current Internal Resistance is normally the impedance of the cell at 1kHz. Internal Resistance: DCIR and ACIR
The first letter of a battery's standardized name identifies its shape, followed by an arbitrary number that designates the cell’s size. Additional letters may be added to define the battery chemistry, its terminals, and other characteristics.
The current designation system was adopted in 1992. Battery types are designated with a letter/number sequence indicating number of cells, cell chemistry, cell shape, dimensions, and special characteristics. Certain cell designations from earlier revisions of the standard have been retained.
These run from A to L (omitting F and I) and depending on the largest dimension of the battery can either signify 0.0 – 0.9 mm maximum dimensions or 0.00 – 0.09 mm maximum dimensions with A being 0.0 or 0.00 and L being 0.9 or 0.09. For flat cells the diameter code is given as the diameter of a circle circumscribed around the whole cell's area.