One of the main priorities of Slovakia’s Energy Policy, approved in 2006, is to increase the share of renewable energy sources in power and heat generation in order to create appropriate additional resources needed to cover domestic demand. Analysis of regional renewable energy potentials.
Ensure a stable and predictable legislative framework with an independent and adequately resourced regulator, and encourage investments in energy projects in accordance with the long‐term national energy strategy. Slovak Republic’s recent energy policies have made significant progress.
In 2023 Slovakia had 840 MW of installed solar power capacity. Biomass provides around 4% of electricity generation capacity. There is hydropower potential in Vah and Orava rivers (before Stary Hrad, and after Kralovianski Meander, Oravka tunnel), with power plants over 30MW as extremely profitable (for low cost/installed MW).
In Slovakia, the electricity grid is operated without discrimination against certain users. The electricity grid functions through a feed-in tariff system, with two parts: the market price for electricity and a surcharge.
In Slovakia, non-fiscal measures for renewable energy include the priority connection of renewable energy plants to the grid and the priority dispatch of electricity from renewable sources. This is regulated by the Act on the Support of Renewable Energy Sources.
Coal provides benefits for miners in Slovakia through Coal Allowances for Former Miners and Miners' Widows. Traditional in-kind benefits for miners include free provision of coal which used to serve heating and water-warming purposes. The energy sector also benefits from coal through the Feed-In-Tariff for Domestic Lignite. Electricity produced from domestic coal has been supported in Slovakia since 2005.