Solar or photovoltaics (PV) provide the convenience for battery charging, owing to the high available power density of 100 mW cm −2 in sunlight outdoors. Sustainable, clean energy has driven the development of advanced technologies such as battery-based electric vehicles, renewables, and smart grids.
Considers a grid-connected home PV system with an EV. In times when the PV system produces excess power, the excess power is fed into the grid. In case this power exceeds a predetermined quantity, it is considered reverse power, and this reverse power is stored in the EV battery of the home if the EV is available.
Reduction of PV reverse power flow through the usage of EV ’ s battery with consideration of the demand and solar radiation forecast. Reducing the impact of DG on distribution networks protection with reverse power relay. Mater. Today Proc. 2018; 5: 51-57
Here’s how it works: Charge the EVas normal This process is similar to regular charging, where energy from the power grid is used to charge the vehicle’s battery via a home EV charger or via a 3-pin EV granny charger. The car is plugged into a bidirectional charging station, and electricity flows from the grid to the vehicle.
When the direction of power flow in any of the phases is reversed due to the PV systems producing more power than what the loads in the network require at that moment, the reverse power flow is immediately detected and the amount of reverse power instantly measured.
During the time of reverse power flow, the automatic insertion of the EVs into the network reduces the magnitude of the grid current significantly as shown in Figure 14. At 10 am, the grid current is reduced from 83.91A to 66.15A. At 11 am, it is reduced from 82.27A to 66.91A, while at 12 noon it is reduced from 81.20A to 63.17A.