This paper is about feasibility study of a 100MW PV power plant at Bati, Ethiopia. For the study RETScreen software is used, Using the RETScreen the benchmark analysis, emission analysis and financial analysis were made. From the bench mark analysis the energy cost of production is reduced to 1.6 ETB/KWh.
In terms of resource use, a 100 MW solar PV plant is sensible indeed. This is demonstrated when comparing to solar power Capacity Utilization Factors (CUF) from different regions. For instance, in Germany, the common CUF values for solar PV plants barely reach 9%. Table 4.1: Performance parameters for a 100 MW solar PV plant.
The SoG-Si production process accounted for more than 35% of total energy consumption and GHG emissions. The environmental impacts of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) power generation from crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar modules in China have been investigated using life cycle assessment (LCA). The life cycle inventory was first analyzed.
100 MW of solar PV is assumed to be installed in a pre-determined location in Ghana, where solar irradiation is the highest. The computation of total plant generation uses solar maps, PV modules specification and average benchmark figures for system losses.
By combining the PV system with thermal systems then hybrid system works at 50–60% efficiency to produce electricity as well as heat for room heating or power production. This research presents the techno-economic analysis of 100 MW p solar PV system in meteorological conditions of Pakistan.
Because of its dominant role in the global and Chinese PV market, only crystalline silicon (including mono-Si and multi-Si) PV systems were considered. Though more than 90% of Chinese PV modules depend on international markets , , , only those PV systems produced and installed in China were considered.