The project also includes a hybrid energy storage power plant rated for 180-kilowatt hours. The new solar plant is a direct result of successful cooperation between the Government of Tajikistan, USAID, and Pamir Energy Company.
However, Tajikistan's energy sector is prone to supply shocks, due to seasonal shortages. Energy policy focuses on providing uninterrupted energy access to all users while improving regional co‑operation and energy sector efficiency, but significant domestic and foreign investment will be necessary for continued energy sector development.
Based on close co-ordination with the Academy of Sciences and its public research institutions, relevant ministries, national enterprises, SMEs, international financial institutions (IFIs), and other bilateral or multilateral donors in the energy sector. Hydropower is the main source of energy in Tajikistan, followed by imported oil, gas and coal.
Tajikistan is part of the EU4Energy Progamme, an initiative focused on evidence-based policymaking for the energy sector.
At request of the Tajik Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, USAID supported the installation of the solar plant in Murghob to complement the nearby 1.5 megawatt ‘Tajikistan’ (formerly Aksu) hydropower plant and add additional clean, renewable energy to the local grid.
More than 6,000 people have been isolated from Pamir Energy’s supply range and the national electricity grid because of the challenging terrain at an altitude of 3,600 meters. The Murghob solar plant will increase available daytime electricity by 50 percent.