DIY Sun Tracker for Solar Panels: An Easy-to-Follow Guide for Maximum Solar Efficiency - Solar Panel Installation, Mounting, Settings, and Repair. A DIY sun tracker for solar panels is a mechanism you can build to enable your solar panels to follow the sun’s path across the sky, maximizing energy absorption.
The concept he came up with is a panel mounted to a frame attached to two bike wheels, which are mounted to a larger frame. The wheels and panel are moved by a 12-volt linear actuator. The system uses a LED sensor that senses the path of the sun and tells the actuator how to move so the panel stays properly oriented to gain maximum sun exposure.
Check out this video of a system designed by Arizona man Mike Davis to have solar panels follow the sun across the sky. If you're into solar energy and robotics, have some spare time on your hands, and simply can't deal with the lack of efficiency brought on by the sun moving across the sky, then this idea might interest you.
These trackers are motorized and move the panels to keep them pointed directly at the sun. Single-axis trackers have a single axis of rotation, usually to track the sun's east-west movement. Dual-axis trackers have two axes of rotation, so they can also track the sun's seasonal north-south movement.
By dynamically tracking the sun’s movement in both horizontal and vertical axes, the system maximizes solar energy harvesting and enhances the overall performance of the solar power generation system. Moreover, the integration of a linear actuator into the design adds flexibility and precision to the system.
By doing so, they optimize photosynthesis, which means maximum growth. The similar principle applies when harnessing solar energy: tracking the sun allows your solar panels to absorb the highest possible amount of solar energy. Making your own “DIY sun tracker for solar panels” puts you in control.