Connect the straps directly to the grounding rods. To protect your solar system from damage due to power surges from lightning strikes, installing lightning surge protection devices for the solar inverters and other components is critical. 1. Lightning Surge Protectors
Far more uncommon than an indirect strike, a lightning strike is only considered direct if the bolt of lightning actually strikes the solar array. Of course you can see why this is very rare, however if it does happen, the damage can be devastating. Lightning carries with it an immense amount of energy in the for of heat and electrical charge.
While there are some concerns about the salt spray, if you get corrosion resistant solar panels you should have no issues keeping your panels at 100% operational capacity. The second article explored the question, Do Solar Panels attract lightning. We busted this myth and gave you the information to say, no, solar panels do not attract lightning.
Lightning can strike anything, solar panels included, however a direct lightning strike to your solar panels is quite rare. To protect against a direct strike, a lightning rod or some other lightning deterrent is highly recommended for people with solar panels in a high volume lightning area. Do solar panels need surge protectors?
Indirectly, lightning can cause high-voltage surges that damage critical components of solar panels, impacting their performance and safety. When lightning strikes nearby, it can induce powerful energy surges that travel through the system, affecting essential components like inverters and electrical circuits.
So, to properly protect your solar panels from lightning damage, you should install specialized lightning protection for solar panels devices. This helps prevent electrical surges that can potentially destroy panels and other system components. 1. Surge Protectors Here we’ll discuss Surge Protectors.