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What is the spatial resolution of PV power station map 40?

The national-scale PV power station map 40 in this study is provided for entire China in 2020 with a fine spatial resolution of 10 meters, which is the highest resolution recorded among all the publicly released PV datasets. The data format is GeoTIFF while the spatial reference is WGS-84.

Which data format is used in a PV power station map?

The data format is GeoTIFF while the spatial reference is WGS-84. Meanwhile, only two kinds of values are in the PV power station map, where 0 stands for the non-PV regions while 1 represents the PV power stations.

What is the difference between 0 & 1 in a PV power station map?

Meanwhile, only two kinds of values are in the PV power station map, where 0 stands for the non-PV regions while 1 represents the PV power stations. In addition, the provided PV dataset could be loaded into GIS software such as ArcGIS and QIS for data visualization and spatial analysis.

Can visual interpretation be used to map PV solar power plants?

Visual interpretation has been widely used in previous studies for mapping PV solar power plants; however, it is often labor-intensive, time consuming, and difficult to be extended to large regions at non-acquisition times (Wang et al. 2020a, 2020b).

Does China have a spatial map of PV power stations?

Although some researchers released several PV power station maps, most only met a medium resolution of 30 meters 9, 10. There thus still lacks a national map of China’s PV power stations with a higher spatial resolution (i.e., 10 meters) that could provide a global understanding of PV’s spatial deployment patterns.

What land is used for PV power stations?

The land used for PV power stations includes gobi (left), grassland (top), water bodies (right), mountain land (bottom), etc. As for PV power station mapping, previous methods mainly focused on field survey and visual inspection, where manual annotation was performed to delineate the locations or boundaries based on the remote sensing imagery.

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