Paraffins are useful as phase change materials (PCMs) for thermal energy storage (TES) via their melting transition, Tmpt. Paraffins with Tmpt between 30 and 60 °C have particular utility in improving the efficiency of solar energy capture systems and for thermal buffering of electronics and batteries.
Finally, it was concluded from the results that the investigated technical grade paraffin wax encapsulated in the annulus of the two vertical cylindrical pipes had good thermal energy storage performance and it is a suitable latent heat storage material for passive solar thermal energy storage applications.
5. Conclusions Paraffins, as one of the main categories of phase change materials, offer the favourable phase change temperatures for solar thermal energy storage. The application of paraffin-based PCM TES in buildings can effectively rationalise the utilisation of solar energy to overcome its intermittency.
Thermal Energy Storage System Using a Te .... The objective of this study was to experimentally establish thermal energy storage (TES) performance using a technical grade paraffin wax as a phase change material (PCM) in a vertical concentric pipe-in-pipe latent heat storage system.
A paraffin encapsulated in aluminium cylinders was used as the heat storage media by Padmaraju et al. for a DHW system. The comparative test results showed that the thermal energy stored in the paraffin-based PCM TES system far exceeded that stored in a sensible heat storage system of the same size of the storage tank.
Paraffin PCMs are found to be stable for over 3000 thermal cycles. The chemical compatibilities of PCMs with 17 different materials are reported. Properties from suppliers of commercial paraffins might not be accurate. Paraffins are useful as phase change materials (PCMs) for thermal energy storage (TES) via their melting transition, Tmpt.