The symbol is represented as follows: A commonly used symbol for a trimmer capacitor is two parallel lines with a diagonal line in between, indicating its adjustable nature. Electronic circuits utilize a variety of specialized capacitors, each represented by unique symbols in circuit diagrams depending on their construction and features.
If you’re not familiar with electrical symbols, you might be wondering what this symbol represents. This symbol is none other than the schematic representation of a variable capacitor. A variable capacitor, also known as a trimmer capacitor or tuning capacitor, is an essential component in electronic circuits.
Tempatrimmer or also known as thermotrimmer is a small trimmer capacitor with a variable temperature coefficient. They are used in stabilizing the drifting VFos. Below is a list of all capacitor symbols. Related Electrical & Electronic Symbols: Capacitor and Condenser Symbols.
A Trimmer capacitor is one type of variable capacitor. The variable capacitor is one kind of capacitor. These capacitors are made with semi-circular metal plates. These capacitors are made with sets of metallic plates. The maximum capacity of this capacitor is under 200pF. The maximum capacity of this capacitor ranges from 100 pF to 500 pF.
The difference between a trimmer capacitor and a variable capacitor includes the following. A Trimmer capacitor is one type of variable capacitor. The variable capacitor is one kind of capacitor. These capacitors are made with semi-circular metal plates. These capacitors are made with sets of metallic plates.
There are two types of variable capacitors available Tuning capacitor & Trimmer capacitor. These capacitors are used for tuning LC circuits of radio receivers and for impedance matching within antennas, etc.
OverviewGeneral considerationsResistorsCapacitorsInductorsTuned circuitsDistributed-element circuitApplications
A trimmer, or preset, is a miniature adjustable electrical component. It is meant to be set correctly when installed in some device, and never seen or adjusted by the device''s user. Trimmers can be variable resistors (potentiometers), variable capacitors, or trimmable inductors. They are common in precision circuitry like A/V components, and may need to be adjusted when the equipment is serviced.