Filter the results in the table by unit price based on your quantity. Filter the results in the table by unit price based on your quantity. 10 kV Ceramic Disc Capacitors are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for 10 kV Ceramic Disc Capacitors.
500V to 8KV High Voltage Ceramic Disc Capacitor -HVC is a type of High Voltage Ceramic Capacitor.
When I have been studying the IPC-2221 and IEC 61010 standards the conductor clearance should be in the order of 0.00305 mm/volt, therefore you would think that for a 10kV rated capacitor the lead spacing should be at least 30.5mm. However, when looking at many datasheets they are around 9.5mm +/-2mm.
Yes, that’s correct. If you connect two in series, you are NOT guaranteed to have half the voltage across each. If the capacitors are +-20 % tolerance, you must assume +20 % one one and -20 % on the other, and the one with the lower capacitance will see significantly higher voltage for any AC signal.
sure: 86 to 106kP 3Caution1. Operating voltageWhen DC-rated capacitors are to be used in AC or ripple current circuits, be sure to maintain the Vp-p value of the applied voltage or the Vo-p which contains DC bias
If the capacitors are +-20 % tolerance, you must assume +20 % one one and -20 % on the other, and the one with the lower capacitance will see significantly higher voltage for any AC signal. For DC, it’s only the leakage which determines the distribution, and it’s almost never guaranteed.