For the sixth time in a row all manufacturers of solar energy storage systems for residential buildings were invited to take part in the Energy Storage Inspection 2023. 11 manufactures participated in the comparison of the storage systems with measurement data of 18 systems. Two manufacturers decided to participate anonymously.
The Energy Storage Inspection 2023 analyzed and compared the energy efficiency of 18 battery systems. With an average inverter efficiency in discharge mode of 97.8 % and a settling time of less than 0.2 s, new records were set. In the reference case up to 5 kW the hybrid inverters F1 and C1 scored best with an SPI (5 kW) of 92.6 %.
Simulation of the operational behavior of the PV-battery systems over a period of one year. The System Performance Index (SPI) rates the systems based on the energy flows at the grid connection point. The AC-coupled systems are assessed in combination with the PV inverters SMA Sunny Boy 5.0 (5 kW) or SMA Sunny Tripower 10.0 (10 kW).
Laboratory tests were conducted by independent testing institutes in accordance with the "Efficiency Guideline for PV Storage Systems” (version 2.0). To each analyzed system a system abbreviation (e.g. A1) was assigned. The batteries of the AC-coupled systems A1 to B2 are equipped with battery inverters.
14 manufactures participated in the comparison of the storage systems with measurement data of 22 systems. Laboratory tests were conducted by independent testing institutes in accordance with the "Efficiency Guideline for PV Storage Systems” (version 2.0).
41 Recommended limit of the usable battery capacity in residential buildings in Germany. Example: PV system with 10 kW, demand of 4000 kWh/a, battery capacity should not exceed 6 kWh. The Energy Storage Inspection 2022 analyzed and compared the energy efficiency of 21 battery systems.