Yes. The mark may bear all applicable UN numbers, e.g. UN 3091, UN 3481, to identify that the package contains lithium metal batteries packed with or contained in equipment and lithium ion batteries packed with, or contained in equipment. J. What are the requirements for the telephone number on the lithium battery mark?
Packages containing lithium batteries, or lithium batteries contained in, or packed with, equipment that meet the provisions of Section II of these packing instructions are not required to have a Class 9 hazard label and there is no requirement for a Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods for consignments of these batteries.
U. What is the maximum weight of batteries per package for fully regulated batteries contained in equipment (Section I)? The maximum weight is 5 kg of lithium batteries per package for passenger and cargo aircraft and 35 kg of lithium batteries per package for cargo aircraft only.
Lithium batteries with a mass of 12 kg or greater and having a strong, impact resistant outer casing, or assemblies of such batteries, may be packed in outer packagings or protective enclosures not subject to the requirements of Section 6 of the IATA DGR. S. Can I ship recalled, damaged or non-conforming cells or batteries?
If a package contains both lithium ion batteries and lithium metal batteries, the package must be marked as required for both battery types. However, button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards) need not be considered.
All packages prepared in accordance with Packing Instruction 968, Section IA, IB and II, must bear a Cargo Aircraft Only label, in addition to other required marks and/or labels. All lithium ion cells and batteries (UN 3480 only) must be shipped at a state of charge (SoC) not exceeding 30% of their rated capacity.