Few battery data sets are public and even fewer are in a common format, making it difficult to compare data across studies. This article describes the features of Battery Archive, the first public repository for visualization, analysis, and comparison of battery data across institutions.
At the core of transformational developments in battery design, modelling and management is data. In this work, the datasets associated with lithium batteries in the public domain are summarised. We review the data by mode of experimental testing, giving particular attention to test variables and data provided.
Lithium-ion batteries are fuelling the advancing renewable-energy based world. At the core of transformational developments in battery design, modelling and management is data. In this work, the datasets associated with lithium batteries in the public domain are summarised.
This article describes the features of Battery Archive, the first public repository for visualization, analysis, and comparison of battery data across institutions. Battery Archive is built on open-source tools with the goal of making it interoperable with existing software resources in the battery community.
In addition, alternative batteries are being developed that reduce reliance on rare earth metals. These include solid-state batteries that replace the Li-Ion battery’s liquid electrolyte with a solid electrolyte, resulting in a more efficient and safer battery.
The answer is to create a universal way of describing and sharing battery data, based on a common conceptualization. This conceptualization can be embodied in a machine-readable battery language, containing both terms and relations needed to describe batteries and their data.