There are two main types of connecting solar panels – in series or in parallel. You connect solar panels in series when you want to get a higher voltage. If you, however, need to get higher current, you should connect your panels in parallel.
When you connect solar panels in series, the total output current of the solar array is the same as the current passing through a single panel, while the total output voltage is a sum of the voltage drops on each solar panel. The latter is only valid provided that the panels connected are of the same type and power rating.
The output voltage and current are the key differences between wiring solar panels in series and parallel. When many panels are connected in series, the output voltages add up, and the output current stays the same. When multiple solar panels are connected in parallel, their output currents add up, but their output voltages remain constant.
Connect only in series panels of the different brands and of the same current. Connect in parallel panels of different brands and of the same voltage. Connecting different solar panels in a solar array is not recommended since either the voltage or the current might get reduced.
Solar panel series-parallel connection is a method of linking solar panels together to meet specific current and voltage requirements, in order to more efficiently harness solar energy and convert it into electricity. Previous Post : What are the advantages of a Commercial Solar System? Next Post : N-Type Solar Panels VS. P-Type Solar Panels
When wiring multiple photovoltaic modules together, it’s essential to consider the specs of each panel. You can solar wire in series, parallel, or a hybrid configuration of both to achieve optimal results. When you wire in series, you add the voltages together. When you wire in parallel, you combine the amps.