Residential storage product features depend significantly on the markets they are being sold in (Table 4). Providers typically offer much larger entry-level systems in the US and Australia, where the energy demand and typical customer-sited solar system size of an average home is larger than in Europe.
Residential energy storage systems integrate various components including battery cells, modules, power conversion systems (PCS), software i.e., battery management systems (BMS) and energy management systems (EMS), and other balance of plant items.
The downstream areas of the value chain, such as aggregation and energy trading, remain a focus area for these residential storage providers looking to grow their business and extract value. Investments tend to be focused in this area, and storage providers without these capabilities are increasingly acquiring them.
Further, in March 2022, the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) and RWTH Aachen University found that the home storage systems (HSS) accounted for 93% of the 1,357 MWh of new energy capacity installed in 2021, while the rest 7% includes industrial and large-scale storage segments.
It also provides insights into residential system costs and key residential battery vendors. This research will help clients understand everything they need to know about the European residential storage segment, which leads the global market.
Although they are not widespread globally, their emergence as power markets transition will create significant opportunities for distributed energy resources like residential batteries to earn a return from the services they provide.