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How does irradiance affect the performance of photovoltaic (PV) solar cells?

Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The performance of photovoltaic (PV) solar cells is influenced by solar irradiance as well as temperature.

Can We harvest the infrared part of solar irradiation at the ground level?

7. Conclusion In this review we have discussed the possibility to harvest the infrared part of the solar irradiation at the ground level with different materials and systems, such as multijunction solar cells, inorganic-organic perovskite solar cells, organic solar cells, quantum dot solar cells and upconverting materials based solar cells.

What parameters should be considered for understanding solar irradiance?

Another important parameter that needs to be considered for understanding solar irradiance on the earth’s surface is the clearness index (K T ). Particularly, K T is defined by the ratios of the solar radiation for a particular day and the extraterrestrial solar radiation for that day. It could also be defined by hourly as shown below:

Does solar spectral irradiation affect solar yield?

The effect of solar spectral irradiation on the yield of several PV technologies has been documented by Nann and Emery at four separate locations [ 51 ]. Eke et al., on the other hand, found that the spectrum variance had a very limited effect on the low bandgap absorber content in PV solar cells [ 52 ].

What is solar irradiance?

In recent years, solar energy technology has emerged as one of the leading renewable energy technologies currently available. Solar energy is enabled by the solar irradiance reaching the earth. Here we describe the characteristics of solar irradiance as well as the sources of variation.

Does low irradiance affect a-Si solar cells?

It should be noticed that the module with a higher leakage current is highly affected by low irradiance. Since a-Si solar cells inherently have high defect density and/or high leakage current than c-Si solar cells, thus the power gain by c-Si at very low irradiance is significantly higher than a-Si as discussed in the above section.

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where P 0 and P ϕ are the output power (also can be replaced with I sc and V oc) of the solar cell before and after irradiation with different irradiation fluences ϕ, respectively. C …

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Particularly, the spectrum of solar incident radiation wavelengths on the PV modules corresponds to the appropriate spectral response range of the PV cells. Several reports on the effect of spectral irradiance variation and PV …

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In photovoltaics, the measurement of solar irradiance components is essential for research, quality control, feasibility studies, investment decisions, plant monitoring of the …

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Measuring Solar Irradiance for Photovoltaics

In recent years, solar energy technology has emerged as one of the leading renewable energy technologies currently available. Solar energy is enabled by the solar irradiance reaching the earth. Here we describe the …

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Particularly, the spectrum of solar incident radiation wavelengths on the PV modules corresponds to the appropriate spectral response range of the PV cells. Several …

Measuring Solar Irradiance for Photovoltaics

In photovoltaics, the measurement of solar irradiance components is essential for research, quality control, feasibility studies, investment decisions, plant monitoring of the performance ratio, site …

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Figure 2: Power Curve for a Typical PV Cell. Figure 3: I-V Characteristics as a Function of Irradiance. PV cells are typically square, with sides ranging from about 10 mm (0.3937 inches) …

(INVITED) New Strategies for Solar Cells Beyond the Visible Spectral Range

Theoretical modelling shows that limiting the thermal losses outside the typical frequency range of a single junction solar cell using rare earth ions or plasmonic …