The 2010s is highlighted as a transitional decade when the photovoltaic conversion industry transformed from a subsidized to a profitable energy sector. While photovoltaic energy conversion is a clean process, technologies for producing photovoltaic materials and solar panels affect the environment.
The rise of the photovoltaic industry in the 2010s, the availability of solar energy, advanced human knowledge regarding photovoltaic processes, low environmental impact, and social acceptability make photovoltaic conversion processes the leading candidates to make exploitation of the nonrenewable sources of energy obsolete. 2.
Solar PV has matured technologically and commercially over the last decade, allowing it to lead efforts to meet energy and climate objectives . According to the report released by IRENE, the solar PV capacity has dramatically increased from 23 GW to 627 GW from 2009 to 2019.
Khenfer et al. examined the effect of temperature on the PV cells and proposed the use of thermo generators for their power enhancement. The extremely high temperature of the PV cells not only reduces efficiency but also creates hotspots on the PV cells, resulting in their failure.
The efficiency of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells had reached the threshold of 25% about two decades ago, on a laboratory scale. Despite all the technological advances since then, currently, the peak efficiency increased very marginally to the level of 26.6%.
Nadia et al. investigated the influence of temperature and solar radiation on the PV panel located in Zarzis, Tunisia. The result demonstrated that the solar cell temperature reduced the cell output power, and the best solar PV output was obtained between 17 °C and 25 is °C by mathematical modelling with MATLAB.