The action of a capacitor Capacitors store charge and energy. They have many applications, including smoothing varying direct currents, electronic timing circuits and powering the memory to store information in calculators when they are switched off. A capacitor consists of two parallel conducting plates separated by an insulator.
When a capacitor is connected to a power source, electrons accumulate at one of the conductors (the negative plate), while electrons are removed from the other conductor (the positive plate). This creates a potential difference (voltage) across the plates and establishes an electric field in the dielectric material between them.
A battery stores electrical energy and releases it through chemical reactions, this means that it can be quickly charged but the discharge is slow. Unlike the battery, a capacitor is a circuit component that temporarily stores electrical energy through distributing charged particles on (generally two) plates to create a potential difference.
In electrical engineering, a capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy by accumulating electric charges on two closely spaced surfaces that are insulated from each other. The capacitor was originally known as the condenser, a term still encountered in a few compound names, such as the condenser microphone.
Basic Structure: A capacitor consists of two conductive plates separated by a dielectric material. Charge Storage Process: When voltage is applied, the plates become oppositely charged, creating an electric potential difference. Capacitance Definition: Capacitance is the ability of a capacitor to store charge per unit voltage.
A charged capacitor can supply the energy needed to maintain the memory in a calculator or the current in a circuit when the supply voltage is too low. The amount of energy stored in a capacitor depends on: the voltage required to place this charge on the capacitor plates, i.e. the capacitance of the capacitor.
OverviewApplicationsHistoryTheory of operationNon-ideal behaviorCapacitor typesCapacitor markingsHazards and safety
A capacitor can store electric energy when disconnected from its charging circuit, so it can be used like a temporary battery, or like other types of rechargeable energy storage system. Capacitors are commonly used in electronic devices to maintain power supply while batteries are being changed. (This prevents loss of information in volatile memory.)