Nairobi, Friday, November 24, 2023: Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen), has been earmarked as the Implementing Agency for the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) as part of the Kenya Green and Resilient Expansion of Energy (GREEN) program, funded by the World Bank.
A battery energy storage. The question of power storage has become critical as Kenya embraces e-mobility which requires reliable power supplies. The Energy and Petroleum ministry targets to mainstream power storage in its electricity master plan as the country’s renewable energy generation expands.
Separately on September 9, 2019, the US Trade and Development Agency awarded a grant to Kenya’s Craftskills Energy Limited for a feasibility study by an American firm, Delphos International for the development of a 50MW wind power plant with integrated battery storage capacity in Kenya.
On completion, the facility is expected to feature up to 20 wind turbines and more than 40,000 solar panels. The PPP project is a joint owned by the Meru County government, global renewable energy developers, Windlab, and c, a subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho Corporation.