That is probably the reason why the “Sun Screen” study from Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia (CLSA) quoted an average selling price of $24/kg for polysilicon in 2003. On January 1, 2004, an amendment of the German Renewable Energy Law significantly raised the feed-in tariff for electricity from solar power.
The price decrease for n-type polysilicon is even bigger, with a drop of RMB8 from the previous week for the average price from EnergyTrend, and sits at RMB60/kg as shown in the chart below. N-type polysilicon price decreased to between RMB60-62.5/kg. Chart: Jonathan Touriño Jacobo for PV Tech
Although polysilicon mono-dense had stabilised at an average price of RMB58/kg (US$8.01/kg) at the end of January, according to data from both EnergyTrend and Shanghai Metals Market (SMM), its price hit a new low in the week beginning 1 April 2024 to RMB52/kg.
November 13: This week most price data providers saw the polysilicon price in China still unchanged despite weak demand. The global price average declined by 0.3% to US$5.99/kg, due to the further weakening Chinese yuan.
With a specific silicon consumption of 13 g/W and an annual spot price average of $43/kg, the share of the higher polysilicon costs ($0.56/W) in the module price ($3.35/W) rose only slightly to 16.7 % in 2004. The PV branch widely thought that polysilicon manufacturers would expand their production capacities to meet increasing demand.
The Global Polysilicon Marker (GPM), the OPIS benchmark for polysilicon outside China, was assessed at $22.90/kg this week, unchanged from the previous week, reflecting stable market fundamentals. Recent discussions have pointed to a potential slowdown in global polysilicon sales, attributed to shifts in international trade policies.