When designing a PV system, location is the starting point. The amount of solar access received by the photovoltaic modules is crucial to the financial feasibility of any PV system. Latitude is a primary factor. 2.1.2. Solar Irradiance
Therefore, to design an optimal power supply system, a combination of wind and solar energy should be considered. In addition, energy balance analysis indicates that the overall efficiency of the pumped storage was 52.5%. Sensitivity analysis shows that the key contribution to system cost was the load demand.
DESIGN & SIZING PRINCIPLES Appropriate system design and component sizing is fundamental requirement for reliable operation, better performance, safety and longevity of solar PV system. The sizing principles for grid connected and stand-alone PV systems are based on different design and functional requirements.
In this chapter of the project a description of the main components forming a large-scale PV solar power plant is done. The elements described below are going to be considered during the calculations used for the system design. The components described are: PV modules, inverters, transformers, switchgears and AC and DC cables.
Appropriate system design and component sizing is fundamental requirement for reliable operation, better performance, safety and longevity of solar PV system. The sizing principles for grid connected and stand-alone PV systems are based on different design and functional requirements. Provide supplemental power to facility loads.
It consists of photovoltaic (PV) array and wind turbine (WT), pumped hydro storage, end-user and control station. The whole system is isolated from the utility grid, hence called standalone/autonomous system, aiming for remote areas where utility extension is very expensive or impossible.