The main limitation of the wide implementation of ESS in the power system is the high cost, low life, low energy density, etc. However, improved battery technology is changing the scenario rapidly. Also, any mismatch in power demand and supply causes fluctuation in frequency.
By the use of technological data and economic indicators of ESS, Net Present Value can be found to check the economic viability of the whole investment. A model of a power system connected to ESS is developed to study its response to the frequency fluctuation. Simulation results indicate that generators along with ESS give better frequency control.
As a new type of flexible regulatory resource with a bidirectional regulation function [ 3, 4 ], energy storage (ES) has attracted more attention in participation in automatic generation control (AGC). It also has become essential to the future frequency regulation auxiliary service market [ 5 ].
After reviewing the literature, it can be observed that many researchers have conducted studies on deregulated automatic generation control (AGC) systems, but only a few have focused on integrating energy storage systems (ESS) into the grid to enhance frequency response and tie-line stability.
The importance of ESS in controlling the frequency fluctuation in a power system has been also described. The proposed ESS model can further be improved by considering the efficiency of the converter system and choosing the realistic values of the electrical components.
By compensating for insufficient power and absorbing surplus power under dynamic conditions, ESS reduces the grid frequency deviations, hence enhancing the power quality of an electrical power system.