It is also known as under voltage cutoff voltage and its value should also be in accordance with the battery type. In solar charge controller settings, the voltage value range for a 12V system is 10.8V to 11.4V. For a 24V system, it is 21.6V to 22.8V, and 43.2V to 45.6V for a 48 V system. So, the typical values are 11.1 V, 22.2 V, and 44.4 V.
A solar charge controller has various settings that need to be altered for it to function properly, such as voltage & ampere settings. Today you will get to know about solar charge controller settings along with solar charge controller voltage settings. Solar Charge Controller
System voltage is also called rated operational voltage, which refers to the direct current operational voltage of solar power system. Generally, the system voltage value is 12V or 24V. The medium-scale or large-scale charge controller system voltage value can be 48V, 110V and 220V. 2. Maximum Charging Current
It is the maximum number of amperes that your solar charge controller can handle. It is the parameter on the basis of which a solar charge controller is rated. It can be 10A, 20A, 30A, 40A, 50A, 60A, 80A, or 100A. 5. Maximum Charging Current It is the maximum output current of the solar panels or solar arrays.
The average output produced by an MPPT solar charge controller can be 42 volts. You will require additional batteries to produce higher voltages. Here is the catch: to prevent your batteries from damage, you need to choose the right solar charge controller. Just installing a charge controller won’t solve all your problems.
Consistently operating outside this optimal range can also stress the system, potentially reducing the lifespan of the charge controller. Nominal means that the MPPT will be the most efficient at this voltage level (360VDC). The maximum voltage will be 500VDC. If you exceed this voltage, the charge controller will be damaged.