Tantalum capacitors use tantalum metal and solid manganese dioxide electrolyte, providing high capacitance in a compact size. Normal electrolytic capacitors, often aluminum-based with liquid electrolyte, offer a wider range of capacitance. Tantalum capacitors are polarized, unlike some electrolytic capacitors.
Admat, Inc., located in Norristop, PA, distributes tantalum hybrid capacitors as well as capacitor lead sealing. It also offers other refractory metal products and parts.
As frequency increases, it experiences a small decrease in capacity. (At 10kHZ its capacity drops by less than 20%) Note: Normally it is a polarized capacitor. To make it non-polarized or bipolar, two tantalum capacitors are connected in series and their anodes are oriented in the opposite direction. Why do tantalum capacitors fail?
Capacitor products, also known as "condensers", are generally named and organized in reference to the dielectric material incorporated within, such as Aluminum Electrolytic & Ceramic to name a few.