Today's benchmarks for CdTe thin film solar cell and module performance are defined by First Solar, with certified record cell PCE = 22.1 ± 0.5% and module aperture area PCE = 19.5% [1, 58]. The 22.1% record cell device parameters are V OC = 0.887 V, J SC = 31.69 mA/cm 2, and FF = 78.5% .
According to the solar cell efficiency table version 59 for single-junction Organic thin film cells have attained the efficiency greater than 18.2% at NREL test centre . However, literature also reported power conversion efficiency till 19% (precisely 18.7%) in single junction Organic photovoltaics .
Thin-film solar cell modules are reaching the market in accelerating quantities, giving the opportunity for these potentially lower cost approaches to establish their credentials.
It is safe to assume that thin-film solar cells will play an increasing role in the future PV market. On the other hand, any newcomer to the production scene will, for obvious reasons, have a very hard time in displacing well-established materials and technologies, such as crystalline and amorphous silicon.
Quansah et al. presented the performance analysis of five solar PV systems with five different solar cell technologies including poly-crystalline (pc-Si), mono-crystalline (mc-Si), Copper Indium disulfide (CIS) thin-film, amorphous Silicon (a-Si), and heterojunction incorporating thin (HIT) film.
Group B: PV Solar cells technologies which their ES are less than 1 and greater than 0.7 (poly-crystalline silicon, copper indium gallium diselenide). Group C: PV Solar cells technologies which their ES are less than 0.7 (amorphous silicon). As Fig. 3 shows, group A has the maximum efficiency score.