Here are the most common places to put your panels, and areas to avoid. Rooftops are the most common places you'll see solar panels, but you have other options too. Installing solar panels can be a great leap toward electricity cost savings and energy efficiency. But the road to making it happen can be long and tricky.
If you want to find out the best placement for your solar panels based on your location and roof characteristics, you can use online tools such as solar panel calculator UK or solar maps. These tools can help you estimate how much energy your solar panels can produce depending on their direction and angle.
Rooftops are the most common places you'll see solar panels, but you have other options too. Installing solar panels can be a great leap toward electricity cost savings and energy efficiency. But the road to making it happen can be long and tricky. One problem you'll likely encounter: Just where will these panels go?
The best spot for solar panels in the UK is a roof that faces south and has a tilt of about 35 degrees. But remember, these are just general guidelines. Other factors – like shading from your immediate environment and your specific location – could affect where your installer can place your solar panels.
The good news is that for most areas, positioning your solar panels within 30 to 45 degrees of your latitude will still provide good year-round energy production. So, while the optimal angle varies based on location and goals, solar panels can work effectively for homes and businesses at a wide range of angles.
The first step is to track down a solar company you trust. When installing solar panels, companies will take multiple factors into account, from the position of trees in your yard to the pitch of your roof, in order to maximize efficiency and stability. The good news is it's never been easier to find a good place for solar panels.