By applying a voltage to a capacitor and measuring the charge on the plates, the ratio of the charge Q to the voltage V will give the capacitance value of the capacitor and is therefore given as: C = Q/V this equation can also be re-arranged to give the familiar formula for the quantity of charge on the plates as: Q = C x V
The rated voltage depends on the material and thickness of the dielectric, the spacing between the plates, and design factors like insulation margins. Manufacturers determine the voltage rating through accelerated aging tests to ensure the capacitor will operate reliably below specified voltages and temperatures.
The maximum energy (U) a capacitor can store can be calculated as a function of U d, the dielectric strength per distance, as well as capacitor’s voltage (V) at its breakdown limit (the maximum voltage before the dielectric ionizes and no longer operates as an insulator):
The other use of the term "breakdown" in electronics is for breakdown voltages in diodes. For capacitors in series, 1/C [total] = 1/C + 1/C + 1/C +... For caps in parrallel, C [total] = C + C + C + ... The current and v0ltage are related by i = C (dV/dt), which are just derived from the equation Q=CV.
Finally, the individual voltages are computed from Equation 8.2.2 8.2.2, V = Q/C V = Q / C, where Q Q is the total charge and C C is the capacitance of interest. This is illustrated in the following example. Figure 8.2.11 : A simple capacitors-only series circuit. Find the voltages across the capacitors in Figure 8.2.12 .
This is the only thing I can think you mean by "capacitor breakdown". The other use of the term "breakdown" in electronics is for breakdown voltages in diodes. For capacitors in series, 1/C [total] = 1/C + 1/C + 1/C +... For caps in parrallel, C [total] = C + C + C + ...